Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hit the ground running.

Since I've gotten back, I've been working non-stop. It's a shame that I can't show you guys most of what I'm  up to. A lot of concept work and layouts and so far some super rough storyboards.

Still, somehow, I manage to find about 20 minutes or so a day to noodle around with my Peter Pan short. I've gone through so many designs for the characters, and I'm not yet satisfied with what I have, but this is the direction their going in.

It's hard when you're trying to reinvent the wheel. Peter is leaning more towards the girlish figure he used to be in his theatre days. As far as Wendy and Tinkerbell, I'm not satisfied with their body shapes, so I think I'll be squishing and stretching those quite a bit. Peter isn't safe from that either. Wendy is too tall, and Tinker needs a hair cut.

After these, I've still got Jon, Michael, a young married couple, and a homeless boy to contend with. Looking forward to it though.

I'll be 21 on Saturday, and my exciting birthday adventure will beeeee.... a Lord of the Ring's marathon on the big screen! Twelve glorious hours of nostalgia.

Saw Rise of the Guardians and it was magical, but the 3D at the theater was completely out of focus so I left with one heck of a headache. I think it might be the first thing I do fanart of in years.

Other than that, there's not much else to report. Hope you guys are doing well!

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