Saturday, July 13, 2013

It's been a while, again.

Yeah it's been a pretty long while.

I admit it, I caught some summertime blues. Coming off a spring quarter grind can really floor a person. Or at least it floored me. I've been doing small things though (like a little job, and working on a mini-webcomic, and a dozen other things).

Anyway, here's the only things I can show you guys, since the rest is for a short film and a book.

This is fanart for the Achievement Hunters, a group of really terrible and funny guys Let's Playing "Minecraft".

This is crap. It's kind of a rough draft for something else. The hand is weird and yeah, but it's from a collab I'm doing with this awesome artist named Melissa Malec. We're going to be making a sweet music video thing together and you might never see it but we'll see.

And this is what I'm most excited about. I'm working on the script, and I've decided I'll be doing four 10-page installments of this. Thiiiiis is my short webcomic I'm working on, Discord.

And that's all for this very moment. There's a lot of other things I can't show you guys yet, sorry!